Pathfinder Directors are Ben & Christine Armantrout Contact Ben (660) 287-5454 sedaliapioneers@gmail.com
Pathfinders is a co-ed faith-based youth group. This program provides youth with life skills, exposes them to new hobbies and experiences, and engages them in Bible study. Pathfinders is open to grades 5-12 (ages 10-17). Sedalia Pioneer Pathfinder Club meets each Tuesday from 6:30pm to 8pm in the upper room above the school gymnasium.

Sedalia Adventure Club leader is Lauretta Oetman (660) 287-5829
The Sedalia Adventurers Club meets each Tuesday from 6:30 - 8pm in the middle Sabbath School classroom. (Ages 6-9)
Here are the links for detailed information on both Pathfinder and Adventurer Clubs.
IA-MO Pathfinders https://imsda.org/pathfinders/
North American Division Pathfinders http://www.pathfindersonline.org/
Adventurers Club https://imsda.org/adventurers/